HARTFORD –The Connecticut delegation issued the following statement in support of Governor Malloy’s application for an emergency declaration:

Our first responders, snow removal crews and the hundreds of state and local employees working in emergency operation centers throughout the state are to be commended for their incredible response to this record-breaking storm. We wholeheartedly support Governor Malloy’s emergency declaration request and will fight to ensure that Connecticut receives the federal aid it needs to respond and recover from this storm."

The delegation also issued the following letter to President Obama in support of the emergency declaration:

February 9, 2013

The Honorable Barack Obama

President of the United States

The White House

Washington, D.C.

Via:     FEMA Regional Administrator Don R. Boyce

            Region 1, Boston Massachusetts

Dear President Obama:


      We write in strong support of the application of Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy for an emergency declaration (Public Assistance Categories A and B) under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act for all of the state's counties (Hartford, Fairfield, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, New London, Tolland and Windham) and two tribal nations, Mashantucket and Mohegan, due to the severe winter storm, which began on February 8, 2013.

      Connecticut received record or near record breaking snowfall across every part of the state. With snowfall totals in some areas reaching 38 inches and a recorded wind gust of 82 mph in Westport, this latest storm is historic in every measure. The Governor is requesting this Federal assistance in order to immediately meet the extraordinary level of snow removal equipment needs that are required to ensure the public's safety. The Administration has been very cooperative in assisting state officials in their preparation for the impact of this storm. We remain committed to providing any assistance to you and Governor Malloy as may be necessary to speed Connecticut's recovery from the costs as a result of this storm.

   As Governor Malloy indicated in his February 9, 2013 letter, Federal resources are critical to ensure rapid, effective response and recovery from this record breaking snowfall and wind damage. Connecticut's Congressional delegation strongly supports the Governor's request and stands ready to support ongoing efforts to ensure Connecticut quickly recovers.



Senator Richard Blumenthal                            

Senator Chris Murphy 

Representative John Larson – 1st District        

Representative Joe Courtney – 2nd District

Representative Rosa DeLauro – 3rd District    

Representative Jim Himes – 4th District 

Representative Elizabeth Esty – 5th District