WASHINGTON–Members of Connecticut’s Congressional delegation announced that Connecticut will receive $72,081,189 from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) ahead of the winter season.

Thousands of Connecticut families and seniors rely on LIHEAP to keep their lights on and their homes warm when temperatures drop. Every winter, we see a surge in demand for this program, and as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I’m focused on securing as much funding as possible to ensure Connecticut families don’t have to choose between paying their energy bill and putting food on the table. This $72 million is just the first batch of funding our state will receive, and I’ll continue to work with my colleagues in the delegation to make sure families in Connecticut stay safe and warm this winter,” said Murphy.

“The rising cost of living puts a squeeze on families’ finances, forcing them to make difficult choices between putting food on the table, keeping the lights on, or ensuring they can heat their homes during the colder months,” said Congresswoman DeLauro. “LIHEAP gives families needed financial security. As Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee, I am proud to have secured $72 million for the program to help Connecticut families keep their heat on. LIHEAP ensures their homes stay warm during the winter months and that they can continue to provide for their families without having to make difficult decisions between what bills to pay or not to pay. I will note this is the only first allocation of LIHEAP funding, and I am committed to working with my Congressional colleagues and our state partners to provide additional resources so no household goes cold this winter.”

“This $72 million is desperately needed and arriving at just the right time. In Connecticut and across the nation, there is surging demand for heating assistance,” said Richard Blumenthal. “I am thrilled HHS released these funds so that Connecticut families can keep the heat on as temperatures drop ahead of winter. No family should have to choose between staying warm through the winter or putting food on the table.”

“As temperatures drop, LIHEAP funding is a lifeline for thousands of Connecticut families to heat their homes,” said Larson. “While House Republicans continue to propose deep cuts to LIHEAP and other critical programs, the Connecticut delegation has worked hard to secure funding so households in our state have the support they need to keep the heat on this fall and winter. We will keep fighting for the resources Connecticut needs for residents to stay warm and in their homes without breaking the bank.”

“LIHEAP is an essential lifeline that helps many eastern Connecticut residents lower their energy costs in the winter. With colder months around the corner, we know demand will again be high for this critical help, and today’s announcement will help funding levels meet the demands of those in need. I also encourage Governor Lamont and the state legislature to consider using additional state funds to support the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program if the needs of Connecticut residents exceed the federal LIHEAP allocation.” said Courtney.

“With winter just around the corner, this $72 million of LIHEAP funding offers critical assistance to those struggling to afford their energy bills. Adequate heating is a necessity, not a luxury, and I am proud to help deliver this federal support to ensure all of Connecticut’s residents are able to stay safe and warm through the colder months.” said Himes.

“Ahead of the winter season, many low-income families in Connecticut are wondering how they will heat their homes. I am happy that Connecticut will receive over $72 million in Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding," said Hayes. "This assistance will ease one of the many burdens expressed by underserved communities and allow them to prioritize other bills. I will continue to advocate for additional funding for this vital resource which is proven to lower utility costs and prevent shut-offs across our state.”

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Office of Community Services (OCS) at the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), announced the release of $3.7 billion in LIHEAP funding to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, three territories, and more than 125 tribes. This amount includes the regular block grant appropriation and an additional $100 million appropriated from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

Connecticut was awarded a total of $72,081,189 to assist low-income families ahead of the winter season. This includes:

  • $70,040,439 from the regular LIHEAP block grant funding
  • $2,040,750 in funding appropriated for FY2024 from IIJA
