(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) issued a statement on the Senate's decision to allow a vote on legislation to reduce gun violence. Blumenthal, Murphy, and 66 other senators voted to allow a vote on the bill:

“The brave families from Newtown who were in Washington this week truly turned the tide on this debate. They came to Washington to tell their stories and advocate for change so that others would not have to experience the horror that they’ve experienced. Just four months ago, the conventional wisdom was that gun violence legislation would never go anywhere in the U.S. Congress. Today—thanks in large part to the courage and passion of the Newtown families—we have disproved this conventional wisdom.

"The world watched as the tragedy in Newtown unfolded on December 14. And the world was watching the United State Senate today – along with some of the Newtown families in the gallery – to see whether we would keep faith with the victims of that tragedy and finally do something about gun violence. Today, the Senate took an important step to keep faith with the people of Newtown, and the more than 3,300 people who have died as a result of gun violence since the tragedy. We look forward to working with our colleagues to keep the momentum going until common sense measures to reduce gun violence are the law of the land.”