HARTFORD – As the Trump administration continues to ban refugees entering the United States from 11 mostly Muslim-majority countries, advocates are rallying around the No Ban on Refugees Act introduced last week by U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.). The No Ban on Refugees Act would prohibit the U.S. government from barring refugees from entering the United States based on their country of origin.

 Below is a roundup of coverage and praise of Murphy’s No Ban on Refugees Act:

Church World Services (CWS): “Senator Murphy has exemplified true leadership by introducing the No Ban on Refugees Act. The Trump administration’s ban on refugees from eleven nationalities is a repudiation of American values -- a clear, repeated attempt to dismantle the U.S. refugee resettlement program through any means. In America, we believe in the equal treatment of all people, regardless of where they come from. Amid the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II, we cannot allow these discriminatory policies to continue. Because of this newest refugee ban put in place on October 24th, families are being separated, and vulnerable children, women, and men who have been promised safety in the U.S. as their last resort are being sent back to danger -- simply because of their nationalities. Senator Murphy’s bill is a necessary first step in restoring American leadership in refugee resettlement and protection.” – Rev. John McCullough, President and CEO of CWS.

International Rescue Committee: “Arbitrary restrictions on refugee admissions have no place in U.S. policy. The IRC is an organization that supports thorough and common-sense vetting of refugees, but barring vulnerable people based on their national origin does not further that goal. Rather, it plays politics with people’s lives and damages our credibility as a global leader.” – Jennifer Sime, Senior Vice President, U.S. Programs, International Rescue Committee.

Oxfam America: “Our nation has a proud history of providing refuge to persecuted people from around the world, based solely on their vulnerability. Discriminating against refugees on the basis of nationality runs counter to this longstanding tradition and puts the lives of vulnerable men, women, and children at risk. This bill will ensure that America's proud legacy as a safe harbor for refugees can continue.” – Noah Gottschalk, Oxfam America’s Senior Humanitarian Policy Advisor.

International Refugee Assistance Project At The Urban Justice Center: "Refugees are fleeing terrorism and persecution, seeking to live in safety and in peace. To deny these refugees a chance to resettle in the United States, based solely on their country of origin, is unjustified and does not benefit our national security. These people are already vigorously vetted. In the spirit of our American values, we should open our doors to them.” – Betsy Fisher, Policy Director, International Refugee Assistance Project at the Urban Justice Center.

Refugees International: “We support this legislation because nobody should be denied refugee status due to their country of origin.  It is tragic that we need legislation to vindicate that simple and basic humanitarian principle.  The most vulnerable of the world’s populations include refugee women and girls, survivors of violence and torture, and refugee children and decisions must be based on need.  To be sure, security screening is important, but there is no reasonable national security justification to bar refugees by nationality, as the Trump Administration is now effectively doing.” – Eric Schwartz, President of Refugees International.

Amnesty International: “We thank Senator Murphy and others in the Senate for standing up for ordinary people in search of safety. No matter where you come from or how you worship, everyone deserves to be met with compassion and concern as they rebuild their lives. Historically, the United States has helped some of the world’s most vulnerable people escape war and horrific violence, and the country is more vibrant for it. These families want nothing more than to rebuild their lives in peace and dignity, just like anyone else.  Continuing to close U.S. borders will leave thousands of people in certain danger.” – Joanne Lin, National Director for Advocacy and Government Affairs at Amnesty International.

HIAS: “Treating refugees differently based solely on where they come from is bad policy and does not make us safer. Refugee resettlement is a critical humanitarian and foreign policy tool, and we thank Senator Murphy for his leadership in supporting a resettlement program that aims to restore America’s global humanitarian leadership. At a time when there are more refugees and displaced people fleeing more countries than at any other time in recorded history, HIAS and our supporters in the American Jewish community urge Congress to ensure that America remains a beacon of hope and safety for refugees.” – Melanie Nezer, Senior Vice President for Public Affairs at HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees.

Multifaith Alliance For Syrian Refugees (MFA): "’Welcoming the stranger’ is a tenet of every great faith, and should not be constrained by nationality. American law and values enshrine this principle, as well.  We thank Senator Murphy and all original cosponsors for their leadership.” – Georgette F. Bennett, Founder of the Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees.

The following organizations have also announced their support for Murphy’s No Ban on Refugees Act: Anti-Defamation League, The Center for Victims of Torture, Jesuit Refugee Service/USA, Conference of Major Superiors of Men (Catholic), American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), Win Without War, Office of Social Justice, Christian Reformed Church in North America, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and Colorado People’s Alliance.