WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) announced on Monday that the Connecticut State Council of the Machinists is this week’s “Murphy’s Monday Manufacturer.” Machinists represent workers in the aerospace, transportation, defense, and automotive in industries, among others. They fight for increased job security, higher wages and worker rights.

The Machinists are committed to growing manufacturing in Connecticut. The Machinists play a critical role in helping to train new manufacturers to help fill jobs in demand. Murphy worked in conjunction with the Machinists on his recent amendment to the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019 that would increase the Buy American requirements on major defense programs to 100% domestic content. Requiring 100% of the products purchased by the Defense Department to be made in America will support U.S. manufacturers and protect our national security.

“Connecticut is lucky to have the Connecticut State Council of the Machinists fighting for workers. I’ve worked closely with the Machinists to grow manufacturing jobs in our state. They’re helping train the next generation of manufacturers while making sure workers in Connecticut receive the dignity and respect they deserve,” said Murphy. “Connecticut workers know that we should spend our taxpayer dollars on manufacturing here in America, not overseas. I was proud to partner with the Machinists on my recent Buy American effort, and I’ll keep fighting for them.” 

The manufacturing industry plays a crucial role throughout Connecticut communities, creating new jobs and accelerating our state’s economic recovery. Today, Connecticut’s 4,600 manufacturers account for 10% of the state’s jobs and 87% of the state’s total exports. In order to protect and grow manufacturing jobs in Connecticut, Murphy has introduced two pieces of legislation that aim to strengthen existing standards and prioritize the purchase of American-made goods, the BuyAmerican.gov Act and the American Jobs Matter Act.