WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following statement announcing the introduction of his amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act that would shine a light on ‘Buy American’ practices within the U.S. Department of Transportation.

“I work hard for stronger Buy American laws because hardworking taxpayers in Connecticut don’t want their tax dollars spent supporting manufacturers an ocean away. If the government needs to buy manufactured goods, American suppliers should come first. The FAA has reportedly done a better job following Buy American laws than other agencies, but our experience in other agencies tells us that we need to check to make sure that what the FAA reports is true. Once we have the facts, we can use that information to help other government agencies do their part to keep tax dollars at home and create jobs here in America.”

Specifically, Murphy’s amendment would require the U.S. Department of Transportation Inspector General to audit Buy American practices within the FAA. Murphy was alarmed by U.S. Department of Defense Inspector General reports that found that an unacceptably high amount of Air Force and Navy procurement contracts violated “Buy American” laws, and an FAA audit is required to determine whether this rate of non-compliance extends beyond the Department of Defense. Murphy has introduced two pieces of legislation that aim to strengthen existing standards and prioritize the purchase of American-made goods, the 21st Century Buy American Act and the American Jobs Matter Act.