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April 2021

Sen. Chris Murphy gives vax program high marks
Hartford Courant Sen. Murphy and Mayor Bronin urge support for ‘transformative’ infrastructure projects, including fixing I-84 and 1-91 interchange
Bristol Press Sen. Murphy visits food pantry in Bristol, says city had one of the 'most nimble' responses to pandemic
WTNH News 8 Sen. Murphy discusses importance of shoreline mitigation projects

March 2021

Republican American U.S. Sen. Murphy visits Thomaston for a check on businesses
CT Post Metro-North ridership down 79 percent - but improving, official tells Sen. Murphy
Business Insider Sen. Chris Murphy says Democrats 'have a chance' to pass background check legislation in the wake of the Atlanta and Boulder shootings
Business Insider Sen. Chris Murphy says Democrats 'have a chance' to pass background check legislation in the wake of the Atlanta and Boulder shootings
The Hill Key Democrat tells 'Meet the Press' he believes Senate can pass gun control bill
Greenwich Time CT lawmakers celebrate Kamala Harris visit, saying 'help is here' in the the American Rescue Plan
Greenwich Time CT lawmakers celebrate Kamala Harris visit, saying 'help is here' in the the American Rescue Plan
WTNH News 8 CT Senator Murphy advocates for stronger gun control laws on Senate floor
Politico Sen. Murphy: Inaction makes Congress ‘complicit’ in mass shootings
NBC CT Conn. Senators React to Deadly Shooting in Boulder, Colorado
Hartford Courant After visit to detention facility at Mexican border, Sen. Murphy says refugee resettlement should be expanded
WNPR Sen. Murphy To Biden: Work With Nonprofits To Quickly Settle Immigrant Children
The Hill Democratic lawmaker 'fought back tears' during visit to border facility
Common Dreams Sen. Chris Murphy 'Fought Back Tears' Visiting Detained Migrant Children in Texas
The Hill Democratic lawmakers propose $12B hike for State
CT Mirror Universal background checks for firearms sales promised a vote in Senate after House passes bill

