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March 2024

The Ink Fascism Will Not Be Defeated By Logic
The Harvard Crimson ‘Falling Apart at the Seams’: Senator Murphy Warns Against Individualism at IOP Forum
The Hill Murphy Says Republicans ‘Want The Border To Be A Mess’

February 2024

The Hill Chris Murphy Dismisses Scott’s Border Claims: ‘Bulls---’
Mediaite Democratic Senator Literally Calls ‘Bullsh*t’ On Republican Colleagues’ Anti-Biden Border Message
The Day Murphy Is The Dreamer And Policy Dealer The Nation Needs
The Day Murphy, Blumenthal Introduce Protection For Coast Guard Sexual Abuse Victims
Vanity Fair Chris Murphy Says Republicans Are “Allergic to Solving” Border
The Washington Post Murphy advises Democrats to lean into border security issues ahead of 2024 election
The Washington Post Senate Negotiators Release Sweeping Border And Military Aid Bill
The Washington Post The Border Deal Is Out. What Now?
Vanity Fair Republicans Don’t Want To Lose Their Favorite 2024 Talking Point
Politico Lead Dem Negotiating Border Deal Says He's 'Worried' It Won't Come Together At All
Politico ‘No One Is In Charge Over There Right Now’: A Top Senate Dem On The GOP’s Border Meltdown

January 2024

CT Insider Dan Haar: Sen. Chris Murphy, At Center Of US Border Deal, In Spotlight Rebuking Trump Meddling
Politico Top Border Negotiators Stump For Their Deal Ahead Of Possible Vote Next Week
CNN Politics Key Border Deal Negotiator Says Bipartisan Agreement Has Been Reached, Could Be Ready In The Coming Days
Westfair Business Journal Sens. Murphy and Blumenthal Propose Bill Linking Commercial Fishing And Climate Change
Connecticut Public Radio Sandy Hook 'Set In Motion' A Decade Of Work On Gun Reform, Sen. Chris Murphy Says
The Connecticut Mirror Q&A With Sen. Chris Murphy on Sandy Hook, Future Of Gun Reforms

