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August 2021

The Hill Democrats defend Afghan withdrawal amid Taliban advance
Yahoo News 'The longer we stay, the stronger the Taliban gets': Sen. Murphy praises Biden's decision on Afghanistan withdrawal
Press TV US should rejoin Iran deal, decrease ‘militaristic footprint’ in Middle East, says senator
Tehran Times U.S. Senate committee debates arms sales to West Asia
Hartford Courant Massive US infrastructure bill would deliver billions to Connecticut for rail, roads, bridges, broadband access. Legislation now awaits action in U.S. House.
Center for Strategic International Studies U.S. Restraint in the Middle East
CT Post Senators say trillion-dollar infrastructure bill will be 'transformative'
WSHU Public Radio On The Eve Of Infrastructure Vote, Connecticut Senators Praise Its Contents
Hartford Courant How Sen. Chris Murphy became Washington’s leading advocate for college sports reform

July 2021

AL-Monitor Staff Senator urges aid freeze to Egypt amid human rights abuses
UN Dispatch Can Congress Rein in the Forever Wars With the New “National Security Powers Act?”
Hartford Courant Two more federal court nominees for Connecticut clear first stage of U.S. Senate confirmation
CT Public Where We Live: Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy Wants To Make It Harder for Presidents To Start A War
WSHU Public Radio Connecticut Senators Push For Northeast Rail Development In Infrastructure Bill
The Dat NEC Commission delivers promising rail plan
CT Examiner Murphy and Blumenthal Press for Funding, New High-Speed Rail Corridors
Jewish Insider No path forward on Iran without nuclear agreement, Murphy says
Hartford Courant The federal child tax credit will start appearing in bank accounts Thursday. Here’s what you need to know -- and how to sign up.
CT Examiner A New Hartford Station, Resolving High-Speed Rail Bypasses, Headline NEC Future Announcement
WSHU Public Radio Murphy, Blumenthal Praise Biden Judicial Nominee Sarah Merriam

