NEW HAVEN >> New Haven residents would not take issue with any of the recommendations from U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy’s latest report on what needs to be done to upgrade road and rail infrastructure for their city.

Murphy in 2015 launched an online “Fed Up” survey that asked commuters around the state about their traffic concerns.

He also held office hours at a Merritt Parkway gas station and live-streamed his own experiences of sitting in traffic. His latest report is about New Haven after having posted one on Norwalk and another on Bridgeport.

The recommendations include finishing the redesign of Route 34’s Downtown Crossing that is recapturing 12-acres of developable land, a project that has already brought a $36 million federal investment matched by $33.5 million in non-federal money; and improving the connection between Union Station and downtown.

The state has proposed building a garage that the city and activists have rejected for not including active retail at the street level given the projected development in the area at the former Coliseum site, Church Street South and other portions of the Hill.

Murphy said it was important to revitalize Union Station and the immediate area “in the hopes of creating a Grand Central Station experience, replete with shops, restaurants and a generally welcoming environment.”

He said Union Station is often the first thing that visitors see when they come to New Haven. “(Y)ou don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.”

Upgrading the Metro-North service to New York City is a constant refrain from commuters, as are requests to expand public transit. Completing the New Haven-Hartford rail line, as well as continuing to improve bicycle-pedestrian infrastructure, rounded out the requests and the senator’s recommendations.

The senator said at the turn of the century, a trip to New York City from New Haven by train took 80 minutes, while it now takes approximately two hours. He said this is due partly to more stops and safety upgrades, but the change “is nonetheless startling.”

Improving speed, safety and reliability on Metro-North, the busiest commuter rail in the country, demands investments along the Northeast Corridor, Murphy said.

He said if the Norwalk Bridge fails to close or the Hudson River tunnel floods, New Haven is impacted.

Murphy said the complex jurisdictions and the large amount of money needed to fix the rails makes an upgrade “daunting.”

He said it can be made better for tens of thousands of commuters with “state-to-state and public-private partnerships.”

The cost of the Hill-to-Downtown redevelopment is between $100 million to $150 million; Union Station transit-oriented development upgrades would cost an estimated $200 million.

As for public transit changes, the senator said a study due this year of transit needs and the availability of buses, should give some direction on future changes.

On bicycle routes, from 2008 to 2014, marked routes in New Haven increased from 4 to 40 miles and since then 2.3 more miles have been added.

There is a suggestion that one-way streets be converted to two-way to reduce confusion for drivers and slow down traffic, therefore making them safer for cars, pedestrians and cyclists. The cost of this is $10 million to $50 million.

Completing the New Haven to Hartford Line, where service is set to begin in January 2018, would alleviate traffic on Interstate 91 and cut commuting time to Hartford.

Within two years, the Hartford line will run 17 trains a day between New Haven and Hartford, with 12 continuing into Springfield, Massachusetts. Six stations are planned along the route which is expected to have an economic spinoff.

The cost is $639 million, with $191 million coming from a federal grant and state bonds. New Haven’s State Street Station also received $10 million in a federal grant in 2010 as part of this plan.

Murphy said, like other commuters, New Haven residents want multiple options and faster commutes to Grand Central Terminal. As for city businesses, they asked for more foot traffic and pedestrian-friendly roads within the city that just don’t move cars out of town.

What makes New Haven unique, however, is that fewer city residents use a car to get to work than residents in the rest of the state.

One-third of New Haven residents use an alternative mode of transportation to get to work, making their transportation desires “somewhat distinct” from residents elsewhere in Connecticut.

On the New Haven survey, public transit, bike lanes and sidewalks were mentioned more than anywhere else.

Even so, highways “remain the reality for most commuters,” the report states, and New Haven is at the center of one of the busiest highway interchanges, which has seen a new Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge built, as well as new connections between Interstates 95 and 91.

Murphy’s report calculates traffic volumes for each exit in New Haven.

Along Interstate 95: Exit 50 has 102,600 cars using it daily; 107,000 use Exit 48; 151,700 cars use Exit 46 daily; Exit 45 carries 73,300 vehicles a day; Exit 47 has 70,600; Exit 44 has 71,600 cars.

A total of 102,700 cars pass through Exit 8 on Interstate 91 daily.