HARTFORD, Conn. — U.S. Democratic Senator Chris Murphy met with Connecticut’s Ukrainian community Monday morning at the Ukrainian National Home in Hartford following his trip to Eastern Europe two weeks ago.

Senator Murphy is a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and said the goal of the trip was to reaffirm U.S. commitment to regional partners and strengthen democratic reforms. He was joined by U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio).

During a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Sen. Murphy and other members of the bipartisan delegation pressed for more progress on anti-corruption, security service and corporate governance reform.

The senators also expressed their support for Ukraine against Russian aggression.

On Wednesday, President Biden will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva for their first summit.

“I don’t know that they’re going to come to any conclusions in that meeting, but it’s going to be very important for the topic of Ukraine to be front and center, for President Biden to make clear to Vladimir Putin that his continued occupation of crimea in Eastern Ukraine is unacceptable and that the united states will not rest until Russia is out of Crimea and out of Eastern Ukraine,” said Sen. Murphy.

President Biden has invited President Zelenskyy to visit the White House later this summer.

“Normally when you have a high-profile visit like this, it does come with some announcements. I frankly think we are going to expect progress on anti-corruption reforms, and governance reforms and election security reforms prior to Zelenskyy’s visit,” said Sen. Murphy.