Irish American politicians have spoken out against the controversial Legacy Bill, with the latest progress through the UK Parliament described as "shameful".

The Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill passed last week after an attempt by the House of Lords to amend it was defeated.

It is expected to go before the House of Lords in the coming days before being given Royal Assent.

The bill, which ends new Troubles-era legal cases and inquests and offers conditional amnesty to those accused of killings, has been criticised by both nationalist and unionist parties in Northern Ireland as well as victims of the conflict.

Three Irish American politicians have criticised the bill.

Philadelphia Congressman Brendan Boyle, whose family hails from Co Donegal, said the move was "shameful" - a sentiment shared by Massachusetts Congressman Bill Keating.

"This bill, as passed, stops any new inquests from being opened into crimes committed during the Troubles, and allows conditional amnesty for individuals accused of committing killings while denying victims and their families the justice and accountability they deserve," Keating said in a statement.

"As the Ranking Member of the Europe Subcommittee in the United States House of Representatives, I have voiced opposition to this legislation, which I believe directly threatens the stable peace established by the Good Friday Agreement and undermines processes agreed upon in the Stormont House Agreement."

He continued: "Families from all communities in Northern Ireland deserve the truth about crimes committed against their loved ones as well as justice for the violence they faced. It is shameful the British government has passed this legislation, failing to heed the call of so many who oppose this bill and denying its own citizens their fundamental right to truth and justice.

"I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure that the people of Northern Ireland achieve the justice and accountability necessary to ensure long-term peace and stability in the region."

Fellow Massachusetts Congressman Richard Neal, who is co-chair of the Friends of Ireland Caucus, said: "I am disappointed by the news that the Legacy Bill has passed through Westminster. The underlying principles of peace in the Good Friday Agreement are what have allowed us to achieve 25 years of stability on the island of Ireland.

"Everyone involved, including both governments, acted together in good faith and gave up something to reach this agreement. 25 years later, we are now faced with the Legacy Bill, legislation that represents a fundamental shift on the issue of the Troubles."Truth, transparency, and justice. That is what the victims of this horrific period in Ireland's history, and their families, deserve. The Legacy Bill inhibits this from coming to fruition."

All three congressmen have previously spoken out against the legislation. Delaware Senator Chris Coons and Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy also expressed concerns about the bill while speaking to Northern Ireland-based reporters last week.