Hartford's North End is getting a big boost from its new designation as a federal Promise Zone.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced the designation Tuesday morning during a news conference in one of the targeted neighborhoods.

As a Promise Zone, the city will get preferential treatment for any grants it applies for that would benefit the North End.

It will also get staffing to help maximize the program's benefits.

"Use the might of the president's Promise Zone program and the power and the might of federal resources that are available to bring those resources into this community to create job growth, better economics, better housing and a safer community," said Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra.

U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy pushed for the designation.

"Every federal grant that we apply for going to the north end is going to get preference. It means that we're going to get a half a dozen, if not more, staff people coming into here to help us lift up kids and families. It's a real boost to this neighborhood," said Murphy.

In all, 120 communities applied for the designation. Hartford's North End was one of eight communities selected around the country.