Connecticut's senators want a long-term solution to a housing dilemma that involves people who fled from last year's hurricane in Puerto Rico.

A federal court recently ordered an extension for the government's Transitional Shelter Assistance program to Aug. 7.

It was to end on July 24 after previously being extended from July 3.

However, Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy called the latest extension short term relief that does not eliminate the need for a longer-term resolution.

Prior to the court's extensions, the senators said the Trump administration's plan was to end the program and boot families from their emergency housing.

They said the administration has made repeated attempts to end the program without offering any other help to the victims who were forced to leave Puerto Rico and Hurricane Maria's devastation.

Connecticut groups have banded together to aid families who have no safe housing on their home island, but Blumenthal and Murphy argue that federal help is necessary.

They are planning a news conference on Friday morning at the Greater Hartford Puerto Rican Day Parade Headquarters in Hartford.

There, they said they'll join advocates in calling on the Trump administration to activate long-term housing assistance for Puerto Rico families and to develop a rebuilding and recovery plan for the U.S. territory.